Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division
Semester 2017-2018
Comprehensive Examination
(EC-3 Make-up)
Course No.
: MBA ZG661
Course Title
Nature of
: Open Book
Weightage :
45% No.
of Pages = 1
Duration :
3 Hours No. of
Questions = 4
Date of Exam :
28/04/2018 (FN)
Please follow all the Instructions to Candidates given on the
cover page of the answer book.
All parts of a question should be
answered consecutively. Each answer should start from a fresh page.
Assumptions made if any, should be
stated clearly at the beginning of your answer.

FiKKA is a start-up which
specialises in Mobile based app which provides service to job seekers and
prospective employers by linking the right people to the right job through
machine learning algorithm which uses resumes and job profiles to do the
matching. You have been recently hired
as a Quality consultant to do a thorough value stream mapping of their
end-to-end process and come up with key business metrics that will help them to
grow their business. Define 5 key business
metrics and explain how the metrics will be calculated and also mention why you
think this metrics will help FiKKA grow in their
business [5]
FAST airlines is a fast-growing
airline service supplier ( hardware, software, services ) for baggage handling
services to all major airlines in the world. Recently there has been an
increase in customer dis-satisfaction which has resulted in mis-handled
baggages, baggages not reaching destination, lost baggages which has resulted
in negative customer satisfaction. You
have been asked to study the situation and come up with a recommendation to the
management. Your recommendation should
include the following
• Current process and problems faced & Proposed solution and how
it will overcome the current problems faced.
Q.3 You have been
recently promoted as a Quality leader.
One of your flagship product has been receiving a lot of field-defects
of late and resulting in a lot of customer dropouts. As your first assignment, management is
asking you to come up with an analysis and recommendation. Please list down the statistical techniques
that you will use to do an analysis and provide the recommendation. You are expected to
(a) Explain what are the top contributing factors
for these defects [5]
(b) Why these defects are occurring and do a causal analysis [5]
(c) Provide corrective & preventive actions for these root
causes. [5]
Q.4 As part of
supplier quality assurance, your management has asked you to study your main
supplier and suggest a Quality Plan for improvement. Upon a detailed study of the supplier you
find that the supplier lacks a good process culture, is very ad-hoc in
practices, no clear structure, poor defect handling and does not value quality
in its processes. You are expected
Provide a Quality Policy and
why you think that this policy if internalised will yield benefits [5]
Provide a high level plan to
attain CMMi Maturity level 3 (do not just focus on
KPAs but activities required to put those KPAs in practice) [5]
Provide Quality Objectives and
why you think this will help management focus in the right areas [5]
Design Key Quality metrics and
define them including how to calculate them and how it will help the
supplier [5]
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